with Marzia Camarda
Using Marzia Camarda’s essay, we will be able to give a new interpretation to Gianni Rodari’s work, analyzing its extraordinary and unusual sensitivity in terms of gender representation.
Rodari’s girls and women are intelligent, strong and proud: in this brilliant reading, we will look at a series of characters that are a testimony to the latest models in terms of body, work, marriage, and family. Furthermore, we will look at the educational models that we find throughout the author’s work.
Una Savia bambina. Gianni Rodari e i modelli femminili (Edizioni Settenove).
In collaboration with Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Educazione G. M. Bertin of the University of Bologna.
Free admission
in collaboration with
With the patronage of Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per l’Emilia-Romagna