Workshops at the University of Bologna

Workshops at the University of Bologna

Starting from the academic year 2017-2018, Teatro Arcobaleno is an educational program with workshops for those who study at the University of Bologna.
Participants will get university academic credits (CFU).



Teatro e genere: l’educazione alle differenze si fa a teatro! (Theater and gender: learning about differences begins at the theater!)

An educational, theoretical end experiential program for university students.
Between lessons and theatrical performances, the goal is to develop critical awareness of the forms and meanings of gender differences, examining how they are represented and perceived in the family, at school and in other social contexts.

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Per una scuola gener-attiva. Il teatro come linguaggio e strategia didattica per una scuola senza stereotipi (For a “gender-active” school. Theater as a language and a didactic strategy for a school without stereotypes)

A theoretical and experiential educational program for university students.
This journey offers students the opportunity to discuss the use of theatrical language as a didactic strategy that can be used to teach a conscious way of building one’s identity and to teach respect towards the identities of the others. It can also be used to teach concepts about the representation of gender differences in the family, at school and in other social contexts.

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University academic credits (CFU)

Registered participants will get university academic credits..

This cycle of events returns once more thanks to the valuable collaboration of the ‘Giovanni Maria Bertin’ Gender and Education Study Center (CSGE) of the University of Bologna.


Infoand contacts

For more info:
Prof. Federica Zanetti, Elena Pacetti, Rosy Nardone | |