Edition: 2023-2024

Laboratori per Classi
20 workshops by choreographer Philippe Kratz with a final presentation. Age group: 6 – 14 y/o

Laboratorio per operatori sociali
A workshop for social workers by Daniele Ninarello. 3-session workshop for social workers

A workshop by Lara Guidetti. 5 sessions with a final presentation. Age group: 14-19 y/o

A show by Giuliano Scarpinato. Age group: 14+

19/10/2023 20:00

20/10/2023 20:00

21/10/2023 20:00

laboratorio per adolescenti
A workshop by Nach. Age group: 14+

04/11/2023 15:00

A show by Daniele Ninarello. Age group: 14+

07/11/2023 19:00

08/11/2023 11:00

A show by Maas Theater Podium (Rotterdam). Age group: 3+

15/11/2023 10:00

16/11/2023 10:00

17/11/2023 10:00

Corso di formazione permanente
Ongoing training course for teachers; educators and educational staff in the socio-cultural field (period November 2023-May 2024)

18/11/2023 10:00

Meeting with Maas Theater and Dance of Rotterdam for theater operators, teachers and educational figures on the cultural and work policies adopted by an institution in order to promote differences

18/11/2023 16:00

A show by Giulia Spattini. With Giulia Spattini e Paolo Rosini. Age group: 14 – 18 y/o

23/11/2023 21:00

24/11/2023 21:00

25/11/2023 21:00

Laboratori per scuole dell’infanzia
A show by De Stilte (The Netherlands). With Donna Scholten e Chiara Aldorisio. Age group: 3 - 6 y/o

04/12/2023 10:00

04/12/2023 11:00

05/12/2023 10:00

A workshop by Nicola Galli. 8-Session workshop:5 for children, 2 for teachers, 1 for boys, girls and families. Age group: 4 – 5 y/o

19/01/2024 09:00

24/01/2024 09:00

31/01/2024 10:00

A show by and with Annalisa Arione and Dario de Falco. Age group: 12+

19/01/2024 20:00

A workshop by Camilla Monga. Age group: 8 – 11 y/o

30/01/2024 00:00

31/01/2024 00:00

02/02/2024 00:00

A show by Monica Mattioli Company. Age group: 9 – 14 y/o

12/03/2024 10:00

A show by Teatro dell'Argine. Winner show of the City of Vimercate Award 2022. Age group: 8+

04/04/2024 10:00