by Jan Martens
with Isabel Braamkolk, Noor Caestecker, A. Claassen, Renée De Coninck, Luna Glowacki, Bente Govaerts, Noor Hollemeersch, Birgit Lesage, Marie Libens, Hannah Peiren, Celina Vercruysse, Yanou Van Dessel e Mirren Vandenberk
Belgium – Netherlands
National premiere
Thirteen teenagers between the ages of fourteen and twenty, who identify themselves (or not) as girls and women, present their vision about the global situation regarding diversity and gender equality in today’s world. They take the floor lending their bodies and their identities to give life to the words of female writers, singers, and activists of the past and present, such as Virginia Woolf, Audre Lorde, Nina Simone and Jeanette Winterson. These young performers become the spokeswomen for important female authors and intellectuals, whose texts, in their turn, spread the thoughts and the emotions of the new feminist generations.
In original language with overtitles in Italian
From 16 years old