Un eschimese in Amazzonia

Trilogia sull’identità III


conception and text Liv Ferracchiati
scenic writing by and with Greta Cappelletti, Laura Dondi, Liv Ferracchiati, Giacomo Marettelli Priorelli, Alice Raffaelli




The last chapter of the trilogy dedicated by Liv Ferracchiati to gender identity focuses on the comparison between a transgender person (the Eskimo) and the society (the Choir).
The society follows its structured ways and speaks through the Choir with one voice, with a musical and rhythmic language, a punctuated body language, thus becoming hypnotic, fast, and superficial, hence running the risk of depersonalization.
The Eskimo literally feels the need to improvise, because his presence is not foreseen. However, he recognizes that he is part of the same stereotypes of his present time reality, and although he tries to have a subjective vision, on closer inspection, it is also full of clichés. In so doing, he reaches the extreme paradox of getting tired of talking about his existence.


from 15 years old