by Gruppo Laboratorio Inizio Tassativo
directed by Valeria Frabetti
with Giada Ciccolini, Orsola Di Cristo, Barbara Gargano, Margherita Molinazzi, Fabrizio Pizzotti

The performance deals with a topical subject, still unyet solved: the inability to manage the indeterminacy of gender. If you have the Y chromosome, you have to follow certain rules, if you don’t, the rules are different. A research study on the importance of being a human being, that goes beyond gender classification.

The Laboratorio Inizio Tassativo is made up by a group of young actors, who, after following theatrical laboratories held by La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi for several years, create performances for a public of infants and children, in an autonomous way, with the support of artists from La Baracca – Testoni Ragazzi.

For children of 6 years and older